I am

A musician, writer, designer, gamer, wannabe voice actor, nerdy geek guy.
A husband, father, and an all round nice guy.

The Zipper

This was a humorous little story sent by a friend at work. As the bus stopped and it was her turn to get…

Color Match web site

Some of you may know that I am color deficient. What this means is I can't distinguish colors as effectively as some people.

Oh ye multitude of fools

Reading posts while on a “break” doing school work last night got me chuckling about the idiotic ways of the world. How little…

Goodbye Trillian

Hello Pidgin! I used to be an avid Trillian fan. Using AIM, MSN and Yahoo all at once was always a pro for…

The troops come marching in

Kind of a scary development for us free-loving people. The U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by…

New Interface for Blender3D

I've been trying to work with Blender for a while now, always walking away feeling less than enthused by the insanely inadequete GUI…