It had to be done

Finally, after years of working with inept hosting, has been moved to a dedicated host. I'm sharing it with a friend and paying a bit for it. But it's worth it. Really worth it.

However, the previously mentioned inept hosting screwed up my database exports. SO, when I import to the new host it makes funny with all my previous posts have crazy characters.

If anyone knows of a plugin or an easy way to fix all these, please PLEASE let me know. I'd hate to go through all these posts to manually fix them. That will/would be a pain.

I'll also try and use the internal WordPress editor more - adding images and stuff when I can. I think images make the site more .. interesting. Don't you?

Edit: Well, a quick Google search later and I find my solution over at

After my latest WordPress update (which as a manual one, with a whole lot of  mysql issues!) I finally got my blog up and running again, only to find all my apostrophes appearing as “â€TM” –stupid junk characters. After going into panic mode for about two minutes, I figured out the solution, at least in my case.

It was quite simple, jump in my wp-config, and comment out two lines.

define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8′);
define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);
And just like that, all was normal again. Hope this helps someone.

If this helps anyone else out - please give this guy props. He saves me a ton of headaches!


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