Suthan's first Web design tutorial put together his first web design tutorial. It's results are nice and could easily be used for making a nice, clean WordPress theme. Which I may try now that I say that.

Check it out, try it out, and enjoy. Definitely nice.

From the author:

Yes, that’s right as the title says it is my ‘First’ web design tutorial so the description and everything might not be as perfect as the professional tutorial writers. But, I tried my best to give you all the clearest important, after all the effort you put into a work to give out the best example is what counts no? Anyway, enough with my talking go check out the tutorial and give it a try. I will be a lot more appreciated if I see some results from the viewers, please leave your comments too. Bye for now.

Once you get the design done, it's time for coding ... wonders of wonders! Joy of joys!

These are great and very detailed tutorials for developing a WordPress theme. Very good stuff.


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