October Desktop Wallpaper and a Photoshop tutorial

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realize that these wern't working. So you'll have to go to the Smashing Magazine site and download them there. Sorry!


I haven't had time to make my own October desktop wallpaper this time - and I know I completely skipped September. But thankfully, Smashing Magazine comes to the rescue with their wallpaper pack. While I'm not going to steal their content, I'll just show the ones I like best and let you chose.

Sad Autumn sad-autumn

This is by far my favorite out of the pack. It's gorgeous. Designed by Rogers Sampaio from Portugal.


Autumn Tree autumn-tree

Another tree - I love trees. This sports a more functional calendar on the left which is nice. It's very easy on the eyes and just looks great. Designed by Irene Demetri from Greece.


Mess of Fire fire

The last of this group I'll share is also very cool - fire. Who doesn't like fire?! It's a very abstract design, which I love. Designed by Esther Trillo from Spain.


pumpkin_thumb_60x60And lastly, for those Photoshop fans, here is a nice little tutorial on how to make a pumpkin icon. Yes, I know it doesn't look like a pumpkin, other than the color and the face, but it's kind of neat. ( View Tutorial )


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