960 Grid System

960-grid-systemI recently stumbled on this interesting site/idea. It's called 960Grid and is basically a handful of templates for web developers who need something to help them quickly roll out designs and keep things crisp, clean and together. It's honestly hard to explain.

The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can be used separately or in tandem.

The premise of the system is ideally suited to rapid prototyping, but it would work equally well when integrated into a production environment. There are printable sketch sheets, design layouts, and a CSS file that have identical measurements.

And that's basically what it is ... easy eh?

Ok, so the download consists of basic CSS and template files to help you quickly knock out designs. Of course, it's still work and you still have to DO the work - but the templates will help you streamline it much more effectively.

I'll be redesigning (yes again) my Tadd Mencer site in the future. 100% custom. So keep an eye out in the future. I'll be using this 'grid system' for that, or that's the plan.



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