Powerful WordPress Plugs

plug-inBeing an avid WordPress user means I try my darnedest to get as much traffic as I can (as is, I get junk traffic). I've used a slew of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plugs that really have given me more of an edge.

However, I still have the hardest time getting anyone to really read what I post - and it really can get frustrating!

Having a Xanga (Hello!) and MySpace (Hi to you too) I tried to do "My page was updated" posts - but really that got hard to keep up with and I don't think anyone really read those anyway. I tried to find ways to get my posts on my other social sites efficiently and readily.

I ran across two plugs that really have helped me here.

Xanga Cross Post - this was one that I needed desperately. I have met some good people on my Xanga and didn't want to loose them, so when I got to this plug I was really excited. Basically what it does is take a post (such as this) and when I publish to my personal site here at www.taddmencer.com it also posts to my Xanga site - which means that people on my Xanga site can see what I post. When people want to comment, they click a link that will allow them to comment on my WordPress site rather than the Xanga site. It's a really great plug that helps people see more of my content.

MySpace Crossposter - is similar to the Xanga one, except this one you post to ... well, MySpace. The other option you have is to either post the entire article or just post something that says "Tadd posted a new article here (link), go check it out" which is .. ok. Could be better. But it does the job and keeps people on MySpace aware of the fact that I have something new.

Wordbook - this is SUPPOSE to do something similar to the other two cross posters for Facebook - but I've yet to see it work. So I can't say if it's worth your time working with. You're better off getting a Facebook app that parses your RSS feed to your Facebook site.


So in theory, these should help drive traffic (somewhat) to your web site. No, the real question becomes: does it really help? I've had these on my WordPress/personal site for about a week and honestly I've not noticed any draw to the site. In fact, my traffic seems to have dropped. But I don't know if that's just a coincidence or if there is something related. We shall see.

What do you think? Would these help? Could they hurt? Why?


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