Let the rock return

metalupIt has been so long since I've written any new music - and I'm excited to be back on the path. Last night I sat down, grabbed the trust ol' guitar, booted up Reaper and told myself no gaming - write a freakin' song.

So I did. Not exactly the BEST song in the world, but it literally got Aidan dancing while he ate his breakfast. It has been oh so long. The last song I wrote was over a year after GreyHalo officially broke up. I worked on two recordings a few months ago of old GH songs, nothing new. So it's good to be back in the saddle again with some inspiration.

No, I'm not going to go public with it  yet. It has some work yet in the way of music - and then I need to figure out vocals. This one I'm keeping under my black ball cap until it's ready to be unleashed on the unsuspecting world.

I like it though.


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